More than 20 years of service at Évora Hotel

Évora Hotel,

Event Description

It is with an enormous sense of pride that Évora Hotel congratulates 14 of it’s employees, who celebrate more than 20 years of working with us. These people, who have worked with an extraordinary dedication deserve all of their success.

These 14 people will be awarded a special present, that has into consideration their individual taste and preferences, by the Hotel’s administration.

The commemorations will take place on the 23rd of June, where Évora Hotel will host a Cocktail party with an informal, relaxed and friendly mood.

To close the night in great style, the 14 awarded workers, the administration board and the direction of the Hotel we’ll join together to enjoy a delicious dinner at “Feira de São João”.


The 14 awarded workers are:

  • Alexandrina Monginho, our Housekeeper
  • Ana Maria Canelas, Human Resources
  • António Serra, Chef
  • António Barrocas, Room Manager
  • Armando Pola, Sommelier and Restaurant
  • José Lamarosa, Sommelier and Restaurant
  • José Barradas, Maintenance
  • Luis Caeiro, Revenue Manager
  • Luis Setúbal, Reception Chief
  • Maria Antónia Santos, Cook
  • Olga Rebocho, Bar
  • Paulo Furtado, Accounting
  • Rosa Gomes, Floor Maid
  • Vicência Cravosa, Floor Maid